19 Karen Avenue (off Cronulla Ave.) Mermaid Beach, Gold Coast Q 4218
Open: Tues-Fri 10-5pm, Sat-Sun 11-5pm, & by appt. after hours Ph: 07 55545 019
Email: / Web: 19 KAREN Contemporary Artspace is a new gallery on the Gold Coast whose programs focus predominantly on emerging artists via exhibitions, collaborative projects and gallery representation.19 KAREN Pty Ltd. was established in August by Terri Lew and Mariam Arcilla as a proactive response towards bringing together new and engaging avenues between artists, curators, artsworkers and the general arts public.
Representing: Jae Copp, Guy L. Warren, Magnus Kennedy, Sonya G. Peters, Abigael Whittaker, Hannah Smith, Barbara Licha, Vanessa R. Williams, Claire Kurzmann and Simon Mc Lean.
EVENTS during GCC Art Crawl:
Fri-Sun 5-7 Dec
NO PROMISES - Group exhibition featuring:
Merry Wilson, Nicholas Chalmers, Hannah Smith and Ben Havenaar. (29 Nov -14 Dec)
Four local artists/recent university graduates exhibit works exploring notions of tensions, travels and freedom.

(L-R) Ben Havenaar, 'Untitled', Merry Wilson, 'White Lies', Nicholas Chalmers, 'Fran is a Man',
NOSTALGIC NIGHTMARES - Solo show by Magnus Kennedy (29 Nov -14 Dec)

Magnus Kennedy, 'The Kiss'
Magnus Kennedy's new series explores imaginary friends, beasts, creatures and nightmares that continue to haunt us in our 'day to day' through popular culture and our subconsciousness.
Sun, 7 Dec, 2pm
ARTIST TALKS - Artists Scott Redford and Nic Plowman talk about their arts practice.

Marina Mirage, Seaworld Drive, Main Beach Q 4217 Open: Sun-Sat 10-5.30pm Ph: 07 551008 Email: Web:
At present, two separate galleries operate under the one roof: Art Galleries Schubert which includes 'the greats of Australian art history' - both modern and traditional, and Schubert Contemporary, established in 2003 to showcase outstanding, innovative and emergent talent. Since its inception in 1985, the aim of Art Galleries Schubert has been the cultural enrichment of the community and to this end emerging talent is continually sourced and actively encouraged, developed and promoted.
Representing: Dale Frank, Cherry Hood, Denise Green, Margarita Georgiadis, Sally Smart, Robert Ryan, Yvette Swan, Louise Feneley, Erin Flannery, Martine Emdur, David Ralph, Melinda Harper, Nick Howson, Katherine Hattam, Melissa Egan, Anthony Bennett, Anwen Keeling, Darren Wardle, Rod Bunter, Abbey McCulloch, Victoria Reichelt, Susan Simonini, Daniel Brinsmead, JaM, Cornelia Burless, V. R. Morrison, Gordon Richards, Jason Cordero, Peter Smets, Timothy John and Wayde Owen. Director: Wynn Schubert.
EVENTS during GCC Art Crawl:
Friday, 5 Dec 6-8pm
Shhhh: Solo show by Erika Gofton

Erika Grofton 'Clasp Exhale'
Works of exquisite craftsmanship that reference cultural notions of femininity. The paintings explore the complexities of innocence and sensuality. Painted motifs enhanced with hand stitching, pay homage to art practices traditionally assigned to women.
Sat 6 Dec
Meet the Artists.

1/17 Harvest Court Southport Q 4215 Open: Wed - Fri :- 10am - 4pm Sat: 10am - 2pm
Ph: 07 5528 5441 Email: Web:
The blkmrkt project opened in June 2007. The project is a non-profit Artist
Run Initiative. blkmrkt has an open door strategy and we invite all artists
and interested people to visit, look and chat. We aim to operate as a
mechanism for the expansion and support of initiatives and discussions
through contemporary and experimental art. The launching of integrated
activities in the gallery; publications, our website, and other local,
national and international art projects is a long-term 'blkmrkt' aim. With
an emphasis on experimental projects, our objective is to energetically
develop contact between the arts and other significant areas of cultural
production. blkmrkt also serves as a site of transgression and play within,
but not limited to, the context of visual arts. blkmrkt has an agenda
leading to educating and introducing people to contemporary and experimental
art . Director Shayle Flesser Gallery Coordinator: Wayde Owen
EVENTS during GCC Art Crawl:
Fri-Sun, 5-7 Dec
Immaculate Heart - solo show by Shayle Flesser (25 Nov-17 Dec)

Shayle Flesser, Works from 'Immaculate Heart'
Immaculate Heart is an installation of paintings of objects addresses notions of contemporary spirituality and new ways of worshiping. Self worship, female thinking, melancholy, isolation and contemporary ways of living. With strong references to Catholic iconography and tattoo culture - 'Immaculate Heart' deliberately appropriates commonly accepted religious texts and combines them with pop-culture images and materials. Layering texts and meaning with traditional iconography serves as a backdrop for questioning contemporary notions of love and devotion.
Saturday 6 Dec 1.30pm
Artist Talk with Shayle Flesser - Wine and Cheese

58 Beale St. (Cnr. Smith St.) Southport 4215 Open: Wed-Sat 11-5pm & by appt.
Ph: 07 55911 434 Email: Web:
George Petelin Gallery is dedicated to displaying the most exciting creative art by a range of artists whose contribution will live on in the history of Australian art. Each exhibition aims to present a balance of challenging ideas and breathtaking accomplishment. Director Dr George Petelin has over forty years of experience as an Academic specialising in contemporary art and as an Art Critic, having written for the Australian and the Courier Mail and served as president of the Australian Section of Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art.
Representing Peter Alwast, Sydney Ball, Gordon Bennett, Vivienne Binns, Eugene Carchesio, Corinne Colbert, Lesley Dumbrell, Bonita Ely, Robert Jacks, Matthew Johnson, Scott Johnson, Tim Johnson, Kevin Mortensen, ProppaNOW, Luke Roberts, Giles Ryder, Jenny Watson.
EVENTS during GCC Art Crawl:
Fri-Sun, 5-7 Dec
Warrior Woman - solo show by Jennifer Herd, plus a Christmas show of gallery artists.
(29 Nov - 13 Dec)

Jennifer Herd, 'From Warrior Woman' Jennifer Herd, 'Props from a Warrior Woman'
Jennifer Herd creates beauty out of tragedy. As one of the stolen generation, she is driven to research a family history denied to her in her youth. 'A lot of my work is inspired by the conflicts that took place in my grandmothers' country, Mbarbaram, most notably the Irvine Bank Massacre in 1884... there has often been a black armband approach by historians to present the dark side of colonial history. I have tried to comment on the heroism, rather than the pain of this period to present a different story that does not seek to victimise but to memorialise.' Her work is inspiring but can also be transgressive and, despite her topic, loaded with humour. Herd worked in the theatre and fashion industry for 12 years before moving into the field of indigenous education in the late 1980's. As coordinator of the Bachelor of Visual Art course in Contemporary Aboriginal Art at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, she has mentored countless young indigenous artists to attain success in the art industry.
Saturday, 6 Dec, from 2pm
Saturday 6 December from 2pm - Opening and drinks with Jennifer Herd, followed at 4pm by an artist talk introduced by Dr George Petelin

135 Bundall Rd, Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217
Open: Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm Sat-Sun and Public Holidays: 11am-5pm Ph: 07 5581 6500
Email: / mapar@gcac, Web:
The Gold Coast City Art Gallery is one of Australia's most prominent public regional Galleries and serves a large and rapidly growing population of over 500,000 people. Opened in 1986, the Gallery houses the renowned City collection of contemporary and historical artworks documenting the character of the Gold Coast as well as the development of Australian art practice.
The Gallery presents a diverse and dynamic program of exhibitions and events. These include local, national and international exhibitions both generated by the Gallery and those displayed as part of touring schedule. The Gallery also home to one of Australia's longest running art prizes now titled The Stan and Maureen Duke Gold Coast Art Prize, which has provided an exciting survey of contemporary Australian Art since 1968. The second Stan and Maureen Duke Gold Coast Art Prize will be launched on Saturday December 6, 2008. This year's judge is Lynne Seear, Deputy Director, Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art.
EVENTS during GCC Art Crawl:
Sat-Sun 6-7 Dec
The Stan and Maureen Duke Gold Coast Art Prize (6 December - 8 February)
Gallery 1

(L-R) Peter Alwast, 'Spill', Penny Byrne, 'Brokenhearted', Marcel Cousins '3'
A History of Violence - solo show by Wayde Owen / Alan Jones. (13 Dec - 15 Feb)
Gallery 2

Wayde Owen, Works from 'A History of Violence'
Friday, 5 Dec 12:00pm
Lunch with Lynne Seear - Judge of the 2008 Art Prize
Saturday, 6 Dec afternoon
Local singer-songwriter Jac Stone performs in the Gallery
Sat 6 Dec 6-8pm
Opening Night: Stan and Maureen Duke Gold Coast Art Prize and announcement of $30,000 in prize money

Lorraine Pilgrim + Nyst Gallery
Nyst Gallery 16 Nerang St. Southport
Please check website for opening hours and details.
Web: Ph: 07 5532 7170
In late 2005 and following a highly successful career spanning thirty seven
years in the arts in private galleries and studios Lorraine Pilgrim
established an on-line gallery,, gathering together a
stable of talented graduates, emerging, and mid-career artists, from most
states of Australia. Lorraine identifies talent, nurtures and builds
Representing: Giles Alexander, Nick Batchelor, Mike Chavez, Daniel Clemmett, Sam Creyton, Sally Harrison, Trinity Leonard, Jennifer Lowrey, Cal MacKinnon, Simon Mee, Kathy Mackey, Donna Malone, Deb Mostert, Hobie Porter, George Raftopolous, Kirsten Reed, Simon Roots, Mel Simpson, Llewellyn Skye, David Smith, Rachel Smyth, Rebecca Stonehouse, EmmaTheyers, Clayton Tremlet.
EVENTS during GCC Art Crawl:
Fri-Sun, 5-7 Dec
Undertow - a solo exhibition by Trinity Leonard (28 Nov - 24 Dec)

(L-R) Trinity Leonard , 'In the air' 'Cascade', 'Undertow'
Trinity Leonard explore representations of female protagonists seen in contemporary films. Leonard translates imagery from film stills that depict women, often in domestic scenarios. Viewers are permitted a voyeuristic glimpse into intimate and interior spaces which are usually private. The women presented to the viewer are glamorous, yet vulnerable.The images are frozen moments from cinematic narratives. The process of translating a fragment of filmic imagery into painting transforms the images original intent, removing it from the narrative stream and rendering its context mysterious.
Fri 5 Dec 6-8pm
Nyst Cocktail party.
Saturday, 6 Dec 3pm
Meet the artists Deb Mostert, Kathy Mackey, Simon Roots and Simon Mee over wine and cheese
Sunday, 7 Dec 11am- Meet the Collectors Dorothy van Coeverden, Sharne Wolff and Nigel Treliving over coffee and cake.